Don't Let Go! The Adventures of a Runaway Balloon

When Emma's new red balloon escapes her grip and floats away at the park, she dashes around bushes and slides trying to rescue it before that gust of wind makes it disappear forever

Don't Let Go! The Adventures of a Runaway Balloon
A little girl running across a grassy park, looking up and chasing after a big red balloon in the sky

It's a bright Saturday morning and Emma can't wait to go to the park. She got a brand new shiny red balloon yesterday and wants to show it off. She loves how it bobs along in the air above her.

At the park, Emma tightly holds the balloon string in one hand and her favorite stuffed animal bunny in the other. A strong wind starts blowing, making the trees sway and leaves rustle.

Uh oh! A huge gust of wind pulls the string right out of Emma's hand. "Come back!" she cries, watching the round red balloon float up into the blue sky.

Emma waves her arms trying to grab the string but the balloon keeps drifting higher and higher. She kicks her legs trying to jump up and catch it. The balloon just keeps going up.

"I have to save it!" Emma says to her bunny. She runs around trees and benches trying to keep the red balloon in sight. It's getting smaller but she can still see its colorful round shape.

Emma climbs all the way to the top of the tall slide, but even from there the balloon is too high up. What will she do? She loves that balloon!

Huffing and puffing, Emma carefully goes down the slide holding her bunny tight. She can't give up yet.

Following the dot in sky, Emma chases after the balloon across the park. But then something happens - the wind changes direction!

Emma watches hopefully as the balloon stops drifting away and starts floating back towards the park. "Come on, come on," she whispers.

The red balloon sails closer and closer. Emma gets ready, positions herself carefully, jumps up and...POP! She grabs the balloon string just in time before the wind can steal it again.

"Hooray, we saved it!" Emma says, tying the balloon tightly around her wrist. The balloon makes her bunny float up in a funny dance. Emma giggles. She can finally relax and play, keeping the balloon near all day.